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Our Core Beliefs

Independent Baptist Church is a biblically balanced church that teaches others what the perfect Word of God teaches and encourages all of us to obey it! We believe that the Bible is God’s story showing us how God is getting glory to Himself by redeeming his fallen Creation.

Please join us for a service and allow us to serve you. God’s love for you is the driving force behind the messages we preach and the ministries we perform.

Image by Aaron Burden

Preaching & Teaching

You will find ORBC uniquely balanced in our preaching and teaching. Our preaching is conservative because it is based on God’s Word. Our attitude and application is compassionate, because it is based on modeled after Christ. We love people and love to serve people. This does not mean we have compromised any methods. Actually, as a result of seeking biblical basis for our methods, our methods are fresh, creative and practical.


College Friends


(please change/reword ALL text on this page -taken from orbc) You will find ORBC uniquely balanced in the people that attend. People from Oak Ridge and all over the greater Knoxville area attend our church, because they find it to be a balanced place. Our church is filled with people from all age groups, backgrounds, and professions. We love singles, families, children and teenagers!


Image by David Beale


(please change/reword ALL text on this page -taken from orbc) You will find ORBC is balanced in that we are conservative in our approach to worship without forfeiting a fresh and creative style. You will love the energetic singing of great, familiar hymns and enjoy new songs written by current writers. You will find the music at ORBC to be traditional and vibrant. Our congregational singing is accompanied by a piano and orchestra. It is a wonderful thing to come together as a church and sing with our whole heart together in worship.

Image by Elisey Vavulin

Application of God"s Word

​(please change/reword ALL text on this page -taken from orbc) You will find that ORBC is uniquely balanced in our application of God’s Word. God’s Word presents a balanced approach of ministering both to the people inside the church and outside the church. The people that attend our church are served through relational and instructional means. The people outside our church are served through community opportunities like Neighborhood Watch, Mission Trips both domestically (disaster relief trips, New York City mission trips) and internationally (Belarus, Mexico, Quebec), Seasonal Musicals for the community, KARM ministry, seasonal festivals, Choices Resource Center involvement, teen student outreach events and many more.

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